Sunday, May 17, 2009

NSD 2009 Layouts - Finally!

I was finally able to finish some of the layouts I started at our National Scrapbook Day weekend event. This is the only one I actually finished while I was there...

And these I started but couldn't quite get everything done. These are all an attempt to catch me up on my 12-of-12 layouts:

I did December's in a baseball card holder, so this is the scan of the front and back side of the holder.

Hopefully Melanie and I can plan another scrap night soon... If it took me all this time to finish just four layouts, I am doomed!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

National Scrapbook Day Weekend....

Last weekend was a three day party at Green Tangerines, a local scrapbook store. Melanie was able to go with me this year and my friend Maria and her mom Nancy made it out again too. We started the festivities on Friday night and didn't end until late afternoon on Sunday. I barely accomplished anything, but hope to post some of the stuff I worked on after my weekend hangover passes. But for now, I am pooped!

Stay tuned for more... maybe I can stay awake for more than five minutes at a time this weekend!