Thursday, June 4, 2015

March Roundup

What We Did:

04. David’s 3 Year Check up with Dr. Jammal  14. Folsom Scrapbook Weekend Retreat for Mommy  18. Grandma Cathy came for a visit  21. Quilting Convention  22. Isabella’s Birthday Party at Wacky Tacky


Insurgent in the theater – I read this while series and thought the first film was fairly cheesy. But I couldn’t help myself from wanting to watch this and it turned out to be worth seeing it in the theater. The special effects were pretty awesome and made for some pretty trippy imaginative sequences. I ended up liking this movie in the series a lot better than the first. 


Three Daughters by Consuelo Saah Baehr – a very long book that follows the stories of the three different generations of daughters. It probably could have been three separate books in and of themselves, each one as good or better than the last. It is sad and uplifting at the same time. It makes me so thankful for being an American in the 21st century and having choices as a woman about my life, who I marry, my career, and the path of my child. This book is a reminder that it has not been that way for a lot of women for a very long time, and still is not that was for many women in other countries.

The Stories:

David experienced the stomach flu and having to throw up in a bowl, or as he calls it “I threw out,” which is his combination of spitting out and throwing up. It was a horrible 24 hours, but he was a total trooper!

Favorite Photos:

 Until Next Time!

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