Saturday, August 29, 2015

July 2015 Roundup

What We Did:

01.   Girls night out with Diana and Jenn  03. Tiny Tumblers Open Play Day  04. Independence Day Party at our house  05. Birthday dinner at Mikuni’s  11. California State Fair  17. Mommy Haircut  18. BBQ and pool party at the Germeson’s  28. David’s first train ride!


Homeland by John Jakes – I have read a lot of John Jakes books, including the whole North and South series and The Kent Family Chronicles (7 books) twice!  I like series books that follow different generations of the same family and this book followed those lines. I did find that this book was sooooooooooo long it could have easily been two or three books. A little too long for me. I was definitely ready for it to be over, but I didn’t give up and got to the end. I like John Jakes, but if the length of this one is any indication of what will be found in the rest of the series, I think my patience will force me to pass!

The Stories:

  • David has been obsessed with “Rock this Town” by Stray Cats. This month he started asking for the another song – the “uh uh uh” one. We knew what he was talking about but had no idea how to google the uh uh uh song to find out the name or who sings it. Apparently, if you put the full amount of uh uh uh’s that the song has in it’s chorus (8 each line!), there are thousands of others who have asked the same question – what is that uh uh uh song!  Apparently, it is called the Breakup Song by the Greg Kihn Band, but to us, it will probably always be the uh uh uh song.
  • My mom sent Jonathan and I a gift card for our birthdays for dinner at Mikuni’s so we went there for my birthday dinner. Of course, I forgot the gift card, but no matter, now we had it for another day. Not only that, but I got to spin the wheel for my birthday and won another $100 gift card!
  • David wanted to ride every ride at the state fair this year, but unfortunately, he wasn’t tall enough for most of them. He was very excited to ride the Ferris wheel and could not stop talking about it all the way there, so we crossed our fingers and hoped he was tall enough. Thankfully, they had a smaller size wheel that he was tall enough for. He started to get impatient with all of the offloading, but afterward, he was very excited to tell everyone how he “rode the wheel”

  • Overheard this:
J: Bubba, what are these? Are they Lego’s
D: No, Diego’s!

Project Life - December 2014

Using the Merry & Bright kit

I used this kit for my layout for December of last year. I am really hoping PL comes out with some additional Christmas themed kits this year!

December is my absolute favorite time of year. I have used the advent calendar to make sure we have lots of family time and family activities. I can tell it's becoming Jonathan's and David's favorite time of year also because of all the stuff I plan for us to do. It doesn't hurt that it's also David's birthday, Santa's visit and Christmas all thrown in there too!

The photo in the middle on the left is David on his third birthday, holding a photo of himself on his second birthday, where he was holding a photo of himself on his first birthday. I hope to continue this for as long as he possibly lets me!

I LOVE this photo of David on the bottom left. This is the moment he saw Santa come through the door at auntie's house. The pure joy on his face is so priceless!

Some detail

Project Life - November 2014

Using the Dear Lizzy Polka Dot Party Mini Kit

My step-cousin Eli and her husband had their little boy in October and I had the pleasure of shooting some of his newborn photos. We also went to the park and got to take some photos of David in a derby cap and vest and tie, something I have wanted to do since he was born!  Thanksgiving was full of continued traditions with dinner at Mae Mae and Papa's house and a trip down their street to feed the horses. We also had a visit from Angel and Rebekah for the weekend and got to have an adult's night out!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Project Life - October 2014

Using the Aqua Edition 

October kicks off my favorite part of the year. We have annual trips to the pumpkin patch and Apple Hill, Halloween, and the anticipation of the coming holiday season! David is also growing up right before our eyes. We bought him some bedroom furniture this month and officially transitioned him from his crib to a real big boy bed!